| „Science“ Magazine A SCIENTIST’S VIEWPOINT Mihail Videnov: Our Contemporary Society and the Bulgarian Language
24TH OF MAY – DAY OF THE BULGARIAN ENLIGHTENMENT AND CULTURE AND OF THE SLAVIC ALPHABET Stefan Vodenicharov: BAS and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) ñelebtare together the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius Damyan Damyanov: May 24th – Day of the Slavic Alphabet Ivan Ilchev: Speech at the Academic Celebration on the Occasion of the Day of the Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture and of the Slavic Alphabet Rumyana Damyanova: Speech on the Occasion of the Day of the Cyril and Methodius Brothers
world SCIENCE Petar Popivanov: John Forbes Nash and Louis Nirenberg Received the Abel Prize 2015Ilian Iliev: The Hubble Space Telescope – a Quarter of a Century in Orbit
SCIENCE AND SOCIETY Ivaylo Slavov: The Fifth Sofia Science Festival
GLIMPSE AT THE PAST Georgi N. Nikolov: Thousand Years Anniversary of the Rule of the Bulgarian Tsar Gavril-Radomir (1014–1015) Petya Andreeva: The Wealth of Roman and Thracian Aristocrats Presented at two Exhibitions at the National Archaeological Museum Blagovesta Ivanova: Synthesis, Preservation and Display of the Portable Values in the Basilica „St. Sofia” Vassil Nikolov: Social Dimensions of the Salt during the late Pre-history of the Eastern Balkans
HEALTH AND MEDICINE Viktoriya Doycheva, Yordanka Mitova-Mineva, Svetla Angelova: Epidemiology of infectious Diseases Abstract
DESERVED RECOGNITION Penka Lazarova: The Annual „Pythagoras” Awards for Significant Contribution to Science
FOUNDATION-LAYING MISSION Vesselin Brezin, Milko Milev, Marius Dimitrov, Krasimira Petkova: 90 Years of Higher Forestry Education in Bulgaria Technical University in Sofia – 70 Years of Traditions in the Transfer of Knowledge, Technologies and Innovation
USB GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PROXIES Meeting of the USB General Assembly of Proxies Damyan Damyanov: Summary of the Report on the Activities of USB in 2014 Prof. Boian Jordanov Valchev, D.Sc. – President of USB Managing Committee of USB Position of USB regarding the Project for an Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialisation of the Republic of Bulgaria 2014–2020.
THE FLOOR TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE Marieta Popova: 17th National Competition „Young Talents“ 2015 Georgi Petrunov: The Laundering of „Dirty Money” and its Effects Abstract Petar G. Petrov: My Future as a Specialist – Dreams, Plans and Reality
SCIENTIST THOUGHTS Nina Bakardjieva: On the Origin of Life
IN MEMORIAM In Memory of Academician Nikola Popov (8.01.1922 – 23.05.2015)
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